Telemedicine workshop

1 March 2014

Telemedicine, the major focus of a workshop at the University of Haute-Alsace

As part of the E-care project, pro-active smart telemonitoring platform for patients with heart failure, the Universities of Haute-Alsace and Belfort Montbéliard organised a workshop on “Knowledge engineering and signal processing for telemedicine” that was held on Thursday 13 March 2014 from 09.00 to 17.30 at ENSISA Lumière. This was an opportunity for French and international stakeholders to speak on the role of telemedicine and the E-care project, the processing of data in cardiology and knowledge engineering in telemedicine.

The E-care project, a smart home monitoring platform
Recognising that heart failure is a serious chronic disease involving frequent re-hospitalizations, some of which could be prevented through early action, academic laboratories and companies in the autonomy and health technologies sector decided to create the E-care project in the context of a call for projects launched by the Caisse des Dépôts in January 2012. “The objective is to evaluate a smart platform that enables patients with New York Heart Association (NYHA) Stage III heart failure to be monitored at home using non-invasive sensors”, explained Alain Dieterlen, Manager of the E-care project at the UHA.

This platform assists medical staff by automating the processing of data sent from the sensors in order to detect and report cardiac decompensation events early. This project driven by Alsation company NEWEL/Predimed produced a collaboration between the University Hospitals of Strasbourg, CENTICH with the Mutualité Française d’Anjou Mayenne and the Universities of Belfort-Montbéliard and Haute-Alsace.

A conference dedicated to telemedicine
In order to compare the work being done in telemedicine on knowledge engineering and signal processing, researchers at the University of Technology of Belfort-Montbéliard and the University of Haute-Alsace are organising a workshop on 13 March 2014. An opportunity for French and international stakeholders to speak on the role of telemedicine and the E-care project, the processing of data in cardiology and knowledge engineering in telemedicine. The event will host numerous researchers and is open to the general public.

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